Thair or Diepawali is a five long Hindu festival celebrated in Nepal that comes after Dashain. In Nepal all Hindu ethnic groups celebrate this festival with own culture variations. the festivals is celebrated from trayodashi of kartik krishna to kartik shukla Dwitiya ever years. Tihar in every general signifies the festival of lights.the five day festival is considered to be of great importance as it shows reverence to not just the humans and the gods,but also to animals like crows ,cow,and dogs who maintain an intense relationship with human. All government office educational,institution and all office remain closed during the festival.
Ist day kaag tihar(crow)tihar
The first day of the Tihar called kag bali the day of crow.people set out small dishes made of green leaves sewn together containing food,coins,and give dishes to crow.the cawing of crows and ravens symbolizes sadness and grief in Hinduism,So devotees offer crow and ravens food to avert grief and death in their homes
2nd day(kukur)dog tihar
The second day of the tihar is for the worship of dogs,domestic animal swan or sho puja is a day when children are warned to treat dogs with kindness the red Tika ,a mark of blessing,is placed on dogs ,forehead their necks are garlanded with flowers and hey are fed like king for a dog.
The third day(Gai)cow tihar
the third day of tihar,laxmi pula is of vial important for the sacred cow is worshiped in the morning and goddess of wealth,together with the family treasures,at night.the morning of third day is Gai tihar (worship of the cow)in Hinduism,cow signifies prosperity,and wealth,on this day people show their gratefulness to the cow by garlanding and feeding them with best grass and people worshiped to cow's body with their foreheads,bow down to her fee,and humbly cral under her stomach on hands and knees by gold coin,flower, are cleaned and doorways and windows are decorated with garlands made syapateri (marigolds)and makhamali.
In the evening lax mi,the goddess of wealth s thanked for all the benefits that were bestowed on the families by lighting oil lamps (Diyo)or candles on doorways and windows to well come prosperity and well being .At night the girl enjoy dancing and visiting all the house of the neighborhood with musical instruments,singing and dancing knows Bhaillo all night long collecting money as tip from house and share the bounty almost themselves.
Gobardhan puja and Mha puja

On the fourth day of tihar ,there are three different known pujas,depending on the peoples cultural is observed as Goru,tihar or goru puja (worship f oxen)people follow vaishnavism perform Govardhan puja which worship towards goverdhan mountain,cow dung is taken as representative of the mountain an d is worshiped Additionally on the night perform Mha puja (worship of self)This day is seen as the beginning of the New Nepal Sam bat ca lender year.

Last day of tihar(bhai tika)
the great last day of tihar is a time when every boy and man in Nepal must be worshiped by his sister and received their blessing thus being assured prosperity for the coming year,and long and healthy life.So important is Bhai Tik,or Brother Blessing, that if a man has no sisters close female relative or friend is honored to bestow this benedictine this day sister put seven color tika is applied on the brother forehead and put makhamali garlands and brother give to sister some money or gifts.the festival strengthens the close relationship between brother and sister.
Ist day kaag tihar(crow)tihar
The first day of the Tihar called kag bali the day of crow.people set out small dishes made of green leaves sewn together containing food,coins,and give dishes to crow.the cawing of crows and ravens symbolizes sadness and grief in Hinduism,So devotees offer crow and ravens food to avert grief and death in their homes
2nd day(kukur)dog tihar

The third day(Gai)cow tihar

In the evening lax mi,the goddess of wealth s thanked for all the benefits that were bestowed on the families by lighting oil lamps (Diyo)or candles on doorways and windows to well come prosperity and well being .At night the girl enjoy dancing and visiting all the house of the neighborhood with musical instruments,singing and dancing knows Bhaillo all night long collecting money as tip from house and share the bounty almost themselves.
Gobardhan puja and Mha puja

On the fourth day of tihar ,there are three different known pujas,depending on the peoples cultural is observed as Goru,tihar or goru puja (worship f oxen)people follow vaishnavism perform Govardhan puja which worship towards goverdhan mountain,cow dung is taken as representative of the mountain an d is worshiped Additionally on the night perform Mha puja (worship of self)This day is seen as the beginning of the New Nepal Sam bat ca lender year.

Last day of tihar(bhai tika)
the great last day of tihar is a time when every boy and man in Nepal must be worshiped by his sister and received their blessing thus being assured prosperity for the coming year,and long and healthy life.So important is Bhai Tik,or Brother Blessing, that if a man has no sisters close female relative or friend is honored to bestow this benedictine this day sister put seven color tika is applied on the brother forehead and put makhamali garlands and brother give to sister some money or gifts.the festival strengthens the close relationship between brother and sister.