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Monday, October 17, 2016

House in Nepal of Raute

 The majority of the Raute population is settled in the Far West in Dadeldura District. There are also populations of Raute in Surkhet and Dang Districts. The estimated population of the monolingual nomadic group varies by source, but most often is reported as about 130. This nomadic group travels between many different districts in western Nepal. Linguistically,...

Friday, October 14, 2016

Gorkha Barpak Village in Nepal

 Gorkha Barpak Village lies in the lap of the Boudha and Manaslu himalayan ranges. Barpak is the big  Gurung and Ghale village in Nepal. It is also said the Barpak is the village of the Gorkha soldiers. It will be very clear, it is the village of the victoria croos winner. Now Barkpak village is Popular for the Home stay village in Nepal. Both local and foreginers...

Thursday, October 6, 2016

About Dasai festival in nepal

Dashain is the national festival of Nepal. This festival is known for its emphasis on the family gatherings, as well as on a renewal of community ties. People return from all corners of the world, as well as different parts of the country, to celebrate together. Married daughters visit their parents along with spouse and kinds to receive blessing. This...